Reflection Task 2a
Today, internet is the inseperable part of our lives, that's why I chose this subject. Internet, abbreviation for Interconnected Networks, is a worldwide computer network that allows communication and data transfer between people connected to it. Today, almost everyone can access to internet easily.From chidren to elders, we have a wide range of internet users. Apart from internet's benefits, these users generally use internet for social media which is like a contagious epidemic in recent years. Social media is the all thing that is the sharings and dialogues people made on the internet. With the social media, lots of things started to change in our lives. For people, being foremost in innovations, sincerity and thoughts became important instead of realities, being objective and innovative.Because of being appreciated by likes on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc, we become keen on using them. As we want more liking on these websites, we spend more time on them and we become addicted to internet in the end. Internet brings us closer to the world, but further from the life.For example, so many people playing games on the internet spend hours before computers, because they can't pause the game.As they want to be higher level, they spend more and more time on it. In the end, these people cut their links with real life, and their whole life consists of virtual world.Moreover, there are lots of people who doesn't know how to use internet consciously.Every day we come across with hundreds of people on the internet, and there is a quite big risk of being deceived by someone we met on internet. On the internet you can be anything you want, so some people take this advantage to rob or decieve other people.Despite all these bad sides of internet, it has also useful sides.You can search for information and share it easily, access to news, communicate with people from all around the world and have fun.To sum up, if you know how to use internet, you can improve yourself.It is up to you.

Your ideas about the internetis really perfect. Especially ''Internet brings us closer to the world, but further from the life.'' this sentence summarizes our lives. This topic is very general and important. This is because I like your text. Your writing's content and type are regular. In short way, you demonstrate the importancy of the internet advantages and disadvantages.
YanıtlaSilI find your subject for this task very reasonable as you mention it is an integral part of our lives. Also I agree with your ideas about Social Media craziness and how we forgot to enjoy the real life. Your usage of language is really good too.