21 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba

Grammar Book Exercises

Page 168-169
Exercises 1

b.After I had left the room , the telephone rang.
c.After I had lost my money , the conductor wouldn't give me a ticket.
d.While I was falling asleep , there was a loud knock at the front door
g.When I opened the box , it turned out to be empty.
i.Having been asked my name , I was taken to meet the prime minister.
j.By the time I was arrived at the station , the train had already left.

Exercise 2

a.Although feeling dizzy , Sarah managed to play on until the end of the match.
b.Being a powerful swimmer , George reached the island in less than hour.
c.Without waiting for a reply , the mysterious stranger vanished into the night.
d.It being a friday , everyone in the office was in a good mood.
e.While working across the field , Rita noticed something glittering by the path.
f.Abandoned by its owner , the old dog sat by the side of the road and howled.
g.Though shocked by what he had seen , Martin tried to keep calm.
h.There being no chance of escape , the two men gave themselves up to the police.
j.If using a fan-assisted oven , reduce cooking time by halfan hour.
i.By signing your name here, you  agree to the conditions listed below.

Exercise 3

e. Having
l.being .

Exercise 4

a.It being a public holiday , there was a lot of traffic  on the roads.
b.On opening the letter , I realized it was from Professor Alton.
c.Though destroyed by fire duriing the war, the palace was later reconstructed.
d.Tears streaming from her eyes , Carol walked from the room.
e.In trying to remove the memory card , I broke the camera.
f.Since using Glosso shampoo , my hair has become soft and shining.
g.Jan was taken to hospital being knocked down.
h.Having been shown to his room George lay down on the bed and slept.

Exercise 5

  • Restoring
  • developing
  • caused
  • marked
  • Having been given
  • Commenting
  • affecting
  • having transplanted
  • grown

My comments

  • Fatma Kapkır 1a
  • Evrim Önder Video Task
  • Nazlıcan Kaya 1a
  • Bilge Demirbaş 1b
  • Seda Nur Kurt Video Task

20 Ocak 2015 Salı

Grammar Book Exercises

Page 160-161

f)I asked for



b)George turned up late, which was unusual
c)We questioned some of the many people whom gave us good descriptions of the robber.
d)That's the house where my aunt and uncle live.
e)Everyone who meet Angela likes her.
f) Many people came to the meeting, some of whom were half an hour late
g)We eventually sheltered from the rain in a shepherd's hut where we found eventually
h)The train, which was extremely crowded, stopped at every station.
i) This isn't the same building where the bus stopped.


Anger Management

                         ANGER MANAGEMENT

Dave Buznick is an even-tempered and quiet guy who works for a cat clothing catalog. When he was a young boy, he was exposed to bullying in front of eveybody while he was about to kiss the girl he liked.Since then, he doesn't kiss any girl when there are people around.Now, he has a girlfriend whose name is Linda. While he is going to somewhere for a business meeting, on the plane he sees somebody is sitting on his seat. After a short argument, he goes to sit with a person who introduces himself as Buddy Ride. Buddy seems very annoying and is laughing out loud at a movie, so he says for Dave to get some headsets. Dave asks for some headsets and immediately after, the flight attendant starts talking nonstop to another flight attendant. Dave asks her again, and she says to lower your voice. He says his voice is lowered, and they get into a big argument that ends up with him being tasered by a flight attendant.The next scene is in a court with Dave on trial. Consequently, he is sent to therapy for anger management. When Dave goes to theraphy, he sees his therapist is Buddy. After spending some time with Buddy, Dave realizes Buddy is also aggressive.
In my opinion, Dave wasn't guilty, they misunderstood him. As I think he is innocent, I wouldn't sentence him to jail like in the movie. If I had to sentence him, I would probably sentence him to pecuniary punishment or theraphy.

Textual Analysis

UK student found after days lost in Turkey without food

A British student has been rescued by Turkish authorities after losing his way on a trek and spending days without food and drinking spring water.(v     to refer to events connected to the present, without a definite past time)
David Mackie told the press after the rescue that they had not eaten for seven days and had resorted to eating a few ants and drinking water they found on the mountain.(v       to describe what has been done or how many things completed in a period of time v        to describe a living person”s experiences, what he or she has done in life so farv       to describe what has been done or how many things completed in a period of time )
He was trekking in southern Turkey with two Dutch students, Marje de Grott and Frisa de Vries when they lost their way. (v       to express precise detail  v     to show two events happening at the same time)
He thanked the Turkish emergency workers for locating and rescuing them. (v       to express precise detail )
To read : http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30893139

I think the author uses informative tone in this article, because he gives information about what happened to the UK student . He doesn't tell us who is he or what is he like.I chose this  short article deliberately, but I think the author could give some more details.

Correcting Run-on Sentences

Correcting Run-on Sentences

Animal Care in Zoos
1The earliest known zoo was the Park of Intelligence in the province of Hunan. It
was started by a Chinese ruler about 1150 B.C. 2Today, zoo facilities are limited, so
zookeepers can not keep every animal on display year-round. 3In the winter in colder
climates, most birds must be brought indoors, so zookeepers cannot always keep each
bird on view for the public. 4Many visitors are surprised to see that some animals
remain outside all year.For exampe, penguins, polar bears, and timber wolves are happy outdoors
in wintertime. 5On the other hand, some animals are always indoors in northern areas.For example, reptiles and small
desert animals always have indoor displays. 6Zookeepers must provide indoor shelters
for large animals such as elephants, no matter how large those shelters must be! 7Today zoologists
understand much more about animal behavior, and zoos are being designed that are
similar to the animals’ natural habitats. 8Viewers can closely observe animals at animal
parks where animals roam free. 9Zoo kitchens keep a wide variety of foods ,and these are used
to prepare meals that meet each animal’s nutritional needs. 10Zoos contribute to
wildlife conservation,and they nurture species that are in danger of becoming extinct.
Exercise 28 Correcting Sentence Fragments and Run-on Sentences

Chinese New Year
1The biggest and most popular of all Chinese festivals,The Chinese New Year, is an
exciting and colorful holiday. 3It falls anywhere between January 21 and February
19. 4The New Year is celebrated by Chinese people all over the world. They parade
through the streets and set off fireworks. 5People pay visits to friends, and they wish them
luck and prosperity with a greeting that means “happy greetings, and may you gather
wealth.” 6On the final day of the year, preparations are made for a great New Year’s
Eve supper. 7All doors are sealed with paper strips, and no one may leave or enter
until the next morning. 8Businesses are closed 9for days, after the new year begins.
10Children receive presents of money in red envelopes,so no wonder they look forward

to this festival.

19 Ocak 2015 Pazartesi

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

1. The birdcage swung from a golden chain.  Intransitive
2. Margaret angrily crumpled her letter in her fist. Transitive
3.Someone answered that question. Transitive
4. He shuddered with fright  during the scary part of the movie. Intransitive
5.The rats chewed their way into the old house. Transitive
6. Acorns drop from the trees every fall. Intransitive
7.Charlie combed his hair nervously before the dance. Transitive
8.We bought paper napkins for the picnic. Transitive
9.Zelda smiled at the thought of a parade in the snow.  Intransitive
10.Fish and potatoes sizzled in the pan.  Intransitive

Video Task



Exercise 1) Fill in the blanks according to the video. (between 0.00-0.41)
  • I ................(not, want) to see anybody.
  • Steve .............(handle) the rent, so you can feed your crap to him.
  • I suddenly .........(have) extra reason to get away from her.
  • I .......... thoughtlessly ...........(ingest) a substance.
  • Like the rent ............(not,be) low enough!
  • I...............(get) remarkably little information from Vernon about what this drug .............(do).
Exercise 2) True or False
  • (   ) The man and his landlord's wife like each other.
  • (   ) His landlord's wife studies law.
  • (   ) The man studies law.
  • (   ) The man was actually blind.

Exercise 3) Put the following sentences in a correct order.
  • blame / me / don't / I /  you / and /don't / I / like .
  • blow/ wishing/ are/ out /my/ you /would /I /brains .
  • this/ my /shouldn't/ existence/ upset/ this/ make .
  • do/ in/ I /how/ law/ you/ school/ know/ am ?
  • access/ time/ the/ whole/ was/ there/ needed/ it/ I/ was/ all/ and ?
  • it/ knew/ do/ I/ what/ to/ I/ how/ and/ needed/ do/ to.

Reflection Task 3

                                PERSON OF THE YEAR

                                                      EMMA WATSON

If I were a jury member of the committee which will choose the person of the year, my candidate would be Emma Watson.I chose her because of her humanitarian efforts and her support for women rights and gender equality. Emma was born on 15th April 1990. She is a British actor and model who is best known for the role she played in Harry Potter films.She has won and nominated for lots of awards.She has recently graduated from Brown University. She was appointed UN Women Goodwill Ambassador in July 2014.Now she serves as an advocate for UN Women's HeForShe campaign and she supports gender equality.She describes herself as a feminist, and thinks the word "feminist" is misunderstood by society.She has served as an ambassador for Camfed International, a movement to educate girls in rural Africa. At just 24 years of age, she has already been involved in the promotion of girl's education for several years and previously visited Bangladesh and Zambia as a part of her humanitarian efforts.In the interviews, "Being asked to serve as UN Women's Goodwill Ambassador is truly humbling.... The chance to make a real difference is not an opportunity that everyone is given and is one I have no intention of taking lightly.Women's rights are something so inextricably linked with who I am, so deeply personal and rooted in my life that I can't imagine an opportunity more exciting.I still have so much to learn, but as I progress I hope to bring more of my individual knowledge, experience and awareness to this role." said Emma. She also supported #direnkahkaha protests on Twitter.Here are some statements from her HeForShe speech;

 "If men don’t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, women won’t feel compelled to be submissive. If men don’t have to control, women won’t have to be controlled.Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong. It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum, instead of two sets of opposing ideals. If we stop defining each other by what we are not, and start defining ourselves by who we are, we can all be freer, and this is what heforshe is about. It’s about freedom."
 For the whole speech, you can watch;

Reflection Task 2a


Today, internet is the inseperable part of our lives, that's why I chose this subject. Internet, abbreviation for Interconnected Networks, is a worldwide computer network that allows communication and data transfer between people connected to it. Today, almost everyone can access to internet easily.From chidren to elders, we have a wide range of internet users. Apart from internet's benefits, these users generally use internet for social media which is like a contagious epidemic in recent years. Social media is the all thing that is the sharings and dialogues people made on the internet. With the social media, lots of things started to change in our lives. For people, being foremost in innovations, sincerity and  thoughts became important instead of realities, being objective and innovative.Because of being appreciated by likes on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc, we become keen on using them. As we want more liking on these websites, we spend more time on them and we become addicted to internet in the end. Internet brings us closer to the world, but further from the life.For example, so many people playing games on the internet spend hours before computers, because they can't pause the game.As they want to be higher level, they spend more and more time on it. In the end, these people cut their links with real life, and  their whole life consists of virtual world.Moreover, there are lots of people who doesn't know how to use internet consciously.Every day we come across with hundreds of people on the internet, and there is a quite big risk of being deceived by someone we met on internet. On the internet you can be anything you want, so some people take this advantage to rob or decieve other people.Despite all these bad sides of internet, it has also useful sides.You can search for information and share it easily, access to news, communicate with people from all around the world and have fun.To sum up, if you know how to use internet, you can improve yourself.It is up to you.

18 Ocak 2015 Pazar

Reflection Task 2b


                                         SLAP   HER

As the violence to women increases more and more every day thanks to their being ignored by society and government, I chose this video to take attentions to this sensitive subject. Today, women are exposed to violence all around the world in different ways. This violence does not only damage on bodies, it also diminishes their self-esteem, resistence and desire to advocate their rights.In the video, there is a social experiment on boys from different age groups. First, they are asked some questions about their names, ages and dreams. Secondly they meet with a lovely girl whose name is Martina.As Martina is a lovely and beautiful girl, boys like her and feel ashamed a bit.They are asked about what they like about her and caress her. Boys couldn't touch her easily, because they felt shy and avoid to do it.After making funny faces, they are told to slap her hard.Thus, boys get shocked and after thinking what to do, they say "no". Then, they are asked why not, and here are some answers;
-Why? Because she is a girl, i can't do it. Why? 'Cause i'm a man!
-Because you're not supposed to hit girls.
-I don't want to hurt her.
-Jesus doesn't want us to hit others.Because it's bad.
-First of all I can't hit her, because she is pretty and she is a girl.As the saying goes: "girls shouldn't be hit, not even with a flower/ bouquet of flowers"
-Because i'm against violence.
I think videomaker touches on a good point from a very different perspective.As children are more innocent than adults and not aware of discrimination, they see themselves as an equal.But we can't pass it without saying, these children are probably informed about respect and equality by their parents.To me, this is one of the most important roles of parenting.
But I wonder how these children would react if this girl wasn't Martina. I mean if they hadn't liked that girl's appearence, would reactions be the same ? To me, this is the missing part in the video.But in spite of everything, I would like to appreciate this videomaker for his/her nice idea.

                                   IN THE KIDS' WORLD, WOMEN DON'T GET HIT 

Reflection task 1b

I want to introduce you to Melike Acar who is a perfect and talented illustrator. Melike was born on 4th August 1978 in Istanbul.She had a problematic education life because of her dyslexia and not attendance. She went to Anadolu University- Faculty of Fine Arts, but couldn't manage to graduate. After leaving her college, she got some technics taught by Galip Tekin and started to work for some popular comics such as Leman, L-Manyak and Atom. However, after working for 6 years for these comics, she gave up working for them owing to some disagreements with editor.Now she works for world's famous companies such as Marvel, Upperdeck, Rıttenhouse, DC, Breygent, Image Comics etc. She even worked for popular rock band Metallica for their Orion Fest. Due to her hard working, she sees herself as an asocial person and describes herself as a zombie in mornings and a vampire at nights. She is an animal lover and as far as I know she has a cat whose name is Lavi and some other pets. She is also known as the hottest woman-illustrator on some websites.

Her sketches on Metallica plectrums

Some of her sketches for Metallica

sketch of Atatürk