18 Ocak 2015 Pazar

Reflection Task 2b


                                         SLAP   HER

As the violence to women increases more and more every day thanks to their being ignored by society and government, I chose this video to take attentions to this sensitive subject. Today, women are exposed to violence all around the world in different ways. This violence does not only damage on bodies, it also diminishes their self-esteem, resistence and desire to advocate their rights.In the video, there is a social experiment on boys from different age groups. First, they are asked some questions about their names, ages and dreams. Secondly they meet with a lovely girl whose name is Martina.As Martina is a lovely and beautiful girl, boys like her and feel ashamed a bit.They are asked about what they like about her and caress her. Boys couldn't touch her easily, because they felt shy and avoid to do it.After making funny faces, they are told to slap her hard.Thus, boys get shocked and after thinking what to do, they say "no". Then, they are asked why not, and here are some answers;
-Why? Because she is a girl, i can't do it. Why? 'Cause i'm a man!
-Because you're not supposed to hit girls.
-I don't want to hurt her.
-Jesus doesn't want us to hit others.Because it's bad.
-First of all I can't hit her, because she is pretty and she is a girl.As the saying goes: "girls shouldn't be hit, not even with a flower/ bouquet of flowers"
-Because i'm against violence.
I think videomaker touches on a good point from a very different perspective.As children are more innocent than adults and not aware of discrimination, they see themselves as an equal.But we can't pass it without saying, these children are probably informed about respect and equality by their parents.To me, this is one of the most important roles of parenting.
But I wonder how these children would react if this girl wasn't Martina. I mean if they hadn't liked that girl's appearence, would reactions be the same ? To me, this is the missing part in the video.But in spite of everything, I would like to appreciate this videomaker for his/her nice idea.

                                   IN THE KIDS' WORLD, WOMEN DON'T GET HIT 

1 yorum:

  1. Dear Cennet;
    I think you chose really importent topic.It has always been important topic and still today,women are subject to violence and unfortunately;there is nothing to do.I loved your reflection task.As I am a girl,I am also sensitive about this subject.I wish one day the authorities would be as sensitive as us.But it seems to be a bit hard;when we look to the news and we see how the women are subject to the violence and be killed everyday even tough they didnt make mistake.
    While I was reading your writing;I also saw some mistakes.Firstly,at the beginning of your paragraph,you say:thanks to their being ignored by society and government but I dont think using phrase `thanks to`is appropriate here.You should use `because of`.You also say: This violence does not only damage on bodies but you should say `this violence doesnt only give damage to theit bodies.I t would be more appropriate I think.I also found some other mistakes.You say:They are asked about what they like about her and caress her.I think you should say `They are asked about what they like about her and they are wanted to caress her.It would be more true I think.At the last paragraph,you says ` to me` but you should say `for me` or in my opinion etc.It is more appropriate.Lastly you say: would reactions be the same ? But you should say` would their reactions be the same.
    Apart from these mistakes,your reflection task is really good.As I said,I loved it.I also loved your opinions.You expressed them in a good way.Supporting your ideas with a research and video is also a great opinion.I found this research really interresting.I aslo wonder I f they would treat an ugly girl in a same way.Who knows?Shortly,in genral you wrote a really good reflection task.Thanks for informing us about this subject.
